"Science is just an opinion," said the postmodern
on Friday, November 28, 2014"Science is just an opinion, as valid as any other," said the postmodern guy in a tweet sent from his smartphone with 4G connection while the MEPG stream received through a fiber optic cable was being decoded to stimulate the electrodes that will polarize the glass that will shape the image of Deepak Chopra on his TV. The same MPEG stream was also being decoded to a series of electrical impulses that cause disturbances in the air that reached his ears to become the sound of the words of the Indian spiritualist.
Outside, it was a good day and weather predictions —based on physical, chemical and thermodynamic available knowledge— said that the good weather will stay for several days, according to information gathered by the satellite maintained for that purpose in a stable geostationary orbit thanks to the calculations of the Newtonian physics with the necessary adjustments of the theory of relativity.
However, a concern was not allowing him to enjoy the nice day: he was awaiting the results of the biopsy of a strange lump that he had noticed and worried that in the end he needed chemotherapy. He has a friend with kidney failure that needs to do hemodialysis often and knows how it feels when your life depends on having to be connected to a machine. He knows he can stay alive thanks to hemodialysis, but he also knows the nuisance that his life depends on it. He had always been aware that the situation of his friend was difficult, but he had never thought about how would be to be in his place until now. So he thought about giving some support to his friend and incidentally ask him for some advice on how to cope with it.
He went out with his hybrid car with its engine that transforms gases under high pressure generated by combustion into movement and uses kinetic energy dissipated in braking to charge an auxiliary electric motor. It was a little sunny, so he put on his sunglasses that polarize sun rays that reach his eyes to diffract them so they don't dazzle him.
On the way to his friend's home, he asked him to go to the pharmacy to pick up the vitamin complex that covered his lack of vitamin B12 due to a vegan diet. Although he was new in town, he was able to go straight to the pharmacy thanks to the indications received by the navigator in his smartphone based on information received by the constellation of geostationary satellites that make up the GPS system.
When he arrived at the pharmacy, the door opened automatically due to the interruption of the flow of photons to the photocell that occurred when he crossed the flow interrupting it. The druggist identified the product with her barcode reader to record the sale and he paid by card putting it next to the reader to decode the chip.
He was tired and tomorrow he has to take a flight with an airplane that uses wings designed to leverage what we know about the properties of fluids to take him to the other side of the world in just a few hours.
So before he went to bed, he took a glass of milk properly pasteurized to reduce pathogen populations to levels that are safe for human consumption and put it in the microwave oven that, using high frequency electromagnetic waves, will electrically stimulate water molecules and other electric dipoles producing energy dissipation as heat that will warm his glass of milk. He stayed beside the microwave oven watching the glass so the milk doesn't get too too warm and overflow. He looked through the semitransparent oven door protected with a metal mesh with perforations larger than visible light wavelength allowing him to look inside, but much smaller than the wavelength of the microwaves, allowing him to be sure that microwaves do not go outside so he can watch safely.
He decided that before going to bed, he will watch some TV. He switched it on and they were talking about the money invested at CERN. "So much money spent on something which is worthless in our daily life —he thought. Money spent on an arrogant science that believes to be the only one in possession of the truth. That money could instead be spent on solving real problems."
He went to brush his teeth, allowing him to believe that he will probably retain his teeth until his final days. And he did it with chlorinated water that allowed him to be confident that the water coming out of his faucet is fit for human consumption and can sleep one more night without having to think about cholera.
As you may notice, my knowledge about some topics I cover in this fable is almost non-existent. This is why any correction is welcome.